As of the time of writing this article, PulseChain has NOT yet launched. Anyone claiming to sell PulseChain Tokens (PLS) is a scammer. This article explores the estimated timing of PulseChain launch as well as shares some resources on how to prepare for PulseChain mainnet.
What is PulseChain?
PulseChain is a hard fork of Ethereum 2.0 and includes improvements when compared to Ethereum. Most notably faster transactions time, faster block time and lower gas fees. PulseChain will include the entire system state of Ethereum 2.0, this means all smart contracts, user token balances and NFTs will be copied onto PulseChain. These forked over tokens and NFT's are also referred as an "airdrop" in the crypto community. To check if you currently have copied tokens on the PulseChain blockchain you can checkout the PulseChain Airdrop Checker. Keep in mind that this Airdrop Checker currently reflects tokens on PulseChain Testnet V2, but will reflect PulseChain mainnet tokens once PulseChain mainnet is released.
When Will PulseChain Launch?
There is currently no approximate date for the mainnet launch of PulseChain. Any announcements in regards to the PulseChain launch will only come from Richard Heart's official Twitter handle, who is the founder of PulseChain. You can also follow the official PulseChain Twitter handle or visit the official PulseChain website for any updates.
Current Time Estimates
As of the time of writing this article, PulseChain Testnet V2 is out and has been running for several months. Recently Richard Heart announced on Twitter that his developer team finalized some outstanding bugs for PulseChain V3 launch. This means PulseChain Testnet V3 could launch in the next couple of weeks. It has been speculated within the PulseChain community that it will take an additional 1-3 months for PulseChain mainnet to launch once V3 testnet is out.

The Sacrifice Phase
During the sacrifice phase, which lasted from July 15, 2021, to October 13, 2021, people could send certain types of cryptocurrencies to sacrifice addresses and receive points for every $1 sent. The number of points depended on the time of sacrifice. Based on the calculation, the amount of PLS potentially airdropped at PulseChain launch for $1 sacrificed decreases by about 2/3 every 20 days after July 15, 2021.
Those who participated in the sacrifice phase did so to demonstrate a political act of how strongly they feel that blockchain is free speech and that free speech is a civil right. Although they did not expect anything from this act, they have heard that the founder(s) of Pulsechain have planned to give an airdrop.
Ethereum Airdrop on PulseChain
People who did not participate in the sacrifice phase will be airdropped PLS directly to their Ethereum address for every 1 ETH held at snapshot time. All ERC-20 tokens will get copied and sent in an airdrop. The PulseChain Airdrop will include all non-custodial wallets like Metamask, Ledger, Tresor, etc. but it’s likely that people who hold Ethereum tokens on exchanges like Binance or Coinbase will be excluded. To check if Coins on Mt Gox and some spam coins will also be excluded.
In conclusion, no one knows what the price of PLS tokens will be on launch. Once the mainnet launches, you will be able to buy PLS on the Uniswap fork native to PulseChain called PulseX. It's unknown on which centralized and decentralized exchanges PLS will be traded first. There will be a bridge from Ethereum to PulseChain, so it will be possible to move your Ethereum assets to PulseChain. Until then, do not believe anyone trying to show you how or where to buy PulseChain, as it's not yet possible. Please refer to any latest PulseChain news directly from Richard Heart or the official PulseChain website.